Certified Travel Associate Practice Exam 2024 - Free Certified Travel Associate Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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Which type of document is a letter written internally within the organization?


Executive summary

Press release


A memo is a type of document that is specifically crafted for internal communication within an organization. It serves as an informal or formal way for employees to share information, updates, policies, or announcements among one another. Memos are typically concise and directive, focusing on specific topics relevant to the organization and its staff. In contrast, proposals are generally more formal documents aimed at suggesting a plan or project, often intended for external clients or stakeholders. An executive summary is a brief overview of a larger report, often directed at readers outside of the organization, summarizing key points for easier understanding. A press release is a public-facing document meant to announce news or events to the media and the public, thereby focusing on external communication rather than internal dialogue.


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